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EN Welcome to the website dedicated to the volunteers of the killer, fin and sperm whales land-based surveys in the Strait of Gibraltar! Click HERE to find the messages in English or use the keywords on the right column. For more details on the project, click here.

ES Bienvenidos a la pagina dedicada a los voluntarios de las campañas de avistamiento de orcas, rorcuales y cachalotes desde tierra en el Estrecho de Gibraltar! Hacer clic AQUÍ para ver los mensajes en Español o usar las palabras claves en la columna derecha (keywords). Para más información sobre los proyectos, pulsa aquí.

Bienvenue à la page dédiée aux bénévoles des campagnes d'observation d'orques, rorquals et cachalots dans le détroit de Gibraltar! Cliquez ICI pour lire les messages en Français ou utilisez les mots clefs dans la colonne de droite (keywords). Pour plus d'informations sur les projets, cliquez ici.

Friday, April 10, 2009

05-11/04: Ambra

Hola todos!!
Unfortunately this week we couldn’t sight the orcas and also, due to the bad weather conditions of the sea, we weren’t able to reach our points of observations in the mountain for a couple of days.

But this didn’t stop us and we took advantage of the situation by changing from being skilful and devoted observers of the sea, to curious and active turistas as well.
So we visited the white village of Vejer de La Frontera near Barbate, it is located at the top of a rocky hill from which you can admire the beautiful red and green valley below.
We went for a walk through the oldest part that it is still surrounded from the antique walls and visited the old Islamic castle.

Then we took a rest in Plaza de España enjoying the sun and having a cold and refreshing cerveza.

cerveza !!!

The next day we visited the charming and quiet town of Tarifa that in this period of the year starts to change with the arrival of thousands of kitesurfers that fill up the town and its beaches and get them colored with their innumerable kites.
The old part is very characteristic and is very pleasant to walk through its narrow streets and its white houses. Besides to the Southwest you can find the “Isla de Las Palomas” that extend in the ocean and it is the Southernmost point of continental Europe. From there you can enjoy a unique view: the Mediterranean Sea on one side and Atlantic Ocean on the other!! And Africa is just 14 km away!!


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